NJRUA and BPPP will take the following steps to address the serial abuser usually referred to as “Joey” in New Jersey. At all times we center the safety and healing of victims of his abuse and will proceed carefully to ensure that we do no harm. We are organizations led and guided by people of color, trans people, and immigrants and center our work on addressing racism and privilege.
At our June 22, 2019 strategy meeting we created the following work in progress strategy. Some strategy is confidential and not included here. We will update this weekly to address new circumstances. If you wish to be in solidarity with us then please send us an email to newjerseyrua@gmail.com and bestpracticespolicyproject@gmail.com with who you are and what kind of support you can offer and we will add you as a supporter of this strategy if helpful to the campaign. We are two small sex worker-led organizations (one of us is without any funding) and we have no staff. Keep that in mind in terms of our ability to get back to you.
Action Items:
- provide referral and support to community members who have been victimized by this abuser
- creating a profile of the abuser: senior editor on the profile page will be Janet Duran of NJRUA who will do the final editing of the profile
- alert webpage (in progress)
- pinned tweet on Twitter with his info and a warning
- street and campus outreach distribution of updated flier from our archives
- an alert to the nation with his profile, MO and other information (via BPPP to every group working with people who might be affected by this abuser)
- liaison and MOUs with lawyers: we are currently in contact with two attorneys and should they wish to work with us officially we will create agreements with them so that sex worker and victim rights are central (pls update us with any lawyers who may be of interest)
- press release and reach out to media
- liaison with SVU in NJ (NJRUA already has a relationship with SVU)
- ensure inclusion of this case in UPR National Report to the United Nations
- direct action that would bring justice and an end to the actions of this abuser
Current Supporters of this strategy are NJRUA (leadership in NJ), BPPP (leadership based in NJ), The Outlaw Project (supporters), the Black Sex Worker Collective (supporters), Desiree Alliance (supporters).